Readers of this blog know that I am no huge fan of the free weekday DC tabloid "The Examiner", due to its irritatingly right-wing editorial slant. In fact, practically every week I say to myself "I am never reading that right-wing nut-job propaganda organ again."
However, I have to give credit where credit is due. Say what you will about the intellectual integrity of the paper's editorial rants against the President and Democrats: but the paper does the best job in town of covering traffic, commuting and development issues. Witness this article in yesterday's "Examiner" on smart growth. Here are a few excerpts:
Organizations like the Coalition for Smarter Growth are lobbying for transit projects that shy away from highway expansion and to focus more on encouraging development around transit hubs.
Stewart Schwartz, executive director of the coalition, said that rather than widening lanes and building high-occupancy toll lanes, officials should examine charging peak rates for using existing lanes during rush hour, as Metro does.
The coalition was one of several groups that rallied against a Montgomery County plan this week to widen Interstate 270.
"We urge the County Council to reject the Planning Board's misguided transportation recommendations, the result of which would be more cars on the highways and more traffic jams," said Ben Ross, president of Action Committee for Transit, a Montgomery County citizens group.
Schwartz said the key was to adopt a model similar to Arlington County or Old Town Alexandria, namely, focusing development near rail stations and transit centers.
So, props to "The Examiner" - here's hoping they will continue to cover these very important issues in a "fair and balanced" manner.
Church and social spaces: grant opportunity
9 hours ago