I was returning from a Kentucky Derby party a couple weekends ago and am sure I heard the driver announce the following over the PA system:
"This is a Blue Line train to HUNTINGTON."
Hmmmm.... since the Blue Line doesn't GO to Huntington, I can only presume the driver meant to say "Franconia-Springfield" and was confused. OR has Metro begun an experiment, splitting the Blue line such that trains terminate in both places now?
Has anyone heard something similar?
UPDATE: Matt Johnson (of Greater Greater Washington and Track Twenty-Nine fame) provided the answer in reponse to my comment at the bottom of this post. Due to scheduled track work that weekend, all Blue and Yellow Line trains terminated at Huntington. Metro operated a shuttle train from King Street to Franconia-Springfield for those persons traveling to the Van Dorn Street or Franconia-Springfield stations. Thanks, Matt!
Church and social spaces: grant opportunity
8 hours ago