Next time you think you are making a significant impact on global pollution levels by driving your 40+ mpg Prius to work each day, think about this: Due to the low-quality fuel consumed by large ocean-going transport ships, a single one of these behemoths can emit as much cancer and asthmas-causing filth as FIFTY MILLION cars! One seriously has to wonder why we even bother with federal automobile emissions standards. Perhaps we should be focusing on "point" sources of pollution (like power plants and, say, filthy cargo ships), instead of on more difficult to regulate "non-point" sources (like hundreds of millions of cars and trucks). Let's get serious about cleaning up these floating garbage scows.
This is not a new article, but it paints a pretty bleak picture of our mis-placed focus on the Camry's we drive to work instead of the carbon-spewing ships that deliver them to our shores.
Church and social spaces: grant opportunity
11 hours ago
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